Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I live in an area where a really wide variety of produce is grown.  It's always been one of the biggest pineapple producing regions in the state and the many strawberry farms around the area are just picking their first crop.  Then there are the multitudes of avocadoes, macadamias and small crops that grow in the area too.  We are so lucky to live here.

Yesterday I arrived home to find that my mother had visited with a small stash of produce for me.  I was so excited and ended up having a yummy salad with the freshest of ingredients for lunch.  There was a very freshly picked lettuce, some tomatoes, scrumptious snow peas (these don't last long!), oranges and of course a pineapple.

And of course I can't finish a post about produce without a photo of my first ever pumpkin.  I picked it about half an hour ago and am just so proud of my first ever pumpkin!

It almost seems a shame to cut it up doesn't it?  Well... I did say ALMOST.

Enjoy your day.

love Susan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(Oh, I've been able to purchase a few more balls of purple yarn to finish of Neice H's blanket so will keep you posted on that )

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